A few simple tweaks is all it takes to upgrade your golf car. There are a wide range of accessories and add-ons out there that can take your golfing trip to the next level. We've rounded up the essential upgrades for you to consider below. If you have any questions or want more ideas, visit the friendly staff at Dever Golf Car Sales. We are happy to assist you with whatever you need, from giving model advice to helping with golf car rentals. We operate multiple dealerships, with three locations in Lexington, Kentucky, and one in Louisville, Kentucky.

Unique Accessories

These items are crucial ones to load up every trip. Some of them are small enough that you can keep them stored in your golf buggy permanently. That way, you'll never have to worry about leaving them behind!


Gloves are a great accessory. They'll protect your hand from blisters as you drive your golf buggy and hit each golf ball. They'll also keep your hands comfortably warm on cold and windy days.

Tire Pressure Gauge

Your golf car's tires need to be inflated to the right levels in order to function well. Otherwise, they'll struggle to cope with the forces pushing down on them. A tire pressure gauge allows you to easily measure your tire's air pressure so you can adjust it as needed.


You can get special racks to mount coolers right onto your golf buggy. Fill them with cold beverages, snacks, or even extra golf balls!

Insect Repellent

Keep those pesky critters far away with insect repellent. No one wants to get distracted by buzzing bugs or the pinch of a mosquito bite. Repellent will deter those bothersome insects so you can focus on your game.

Golf Cart Upgrades

Many models are compatible with various upgrades. These allow you to add an item to your golf buggy so that you'll have a more enjoyable time using it.

All-Terrain Tires

Golf cars can explore more are than the golf course. With the right tires, you can take them everywhere, from your neighborhood to the beach. All-terrain tires offer deeper treads and larger sizes, allowing you to venture into new types of terrain.

Lift Kit

If you want to install all-terrain tires, you will need a lift kit. These can give your golf buggy two to six inches of lift. They'll also improve your driving experience. The extra lift leads to a smoother ride.

Golf Car Enclosure

Odds are, you won't be able to get a perfectly sunny day each time you go golfing. A golf buggy enclosure helps block out annoying weather, such as wind and rain. It'll wrap around your vehicle and create a cozy atmosphere inside.

LED Lights

LED lights are a great investment. They cost more initially than other lights, but they are cheaper in the long run. They last much longer, which saves you money on bulb replacements. They also require less power and emit a brighter beam. Invest in LED lights for your golf car so that you can see better and be more easily seen by other motorists.

Rear Flip-Seat Kit

If you want to bring more friends along for the ride, get a rear flip-seat kit. Many golf car models are compatible with these. You'll be able to convert it into seating for more passengers. Or you can convert it into a flat surface to more easily haul items.

We hope you found this list helpful! For all your golfing needs, visit Dever Golf Car Sales. We offer everything from golf car rentals to models for sale. Our friendly staff is happy to help you find whatever you need. We operate three dealerships in Lexington, Kentucky, and one dealership in Louisville, Kentucky. Stop by and visit today!